Saturday, June 27, 2009

We Are So Screwed | bRight & Early
# The church of Global Warming has convinced 219 U.S. Representatives that they can legislate temperature. News Flash – you can’t.
# They are trying to sell this as a jobs bill. That’s true. The jobs are in India and China.
# If you believe this bill is a good idea you probably believe the Reps who voted for it read it. Evelyn Wood couldn’t have read this bill/amendment in the time they had.
# There are eight Republicans who voted for this farce. They need to go. Not a dime for their campaigns, not a vote for their reelection, not a good word for any of them...
Michigan Democrats: 493 Days & Counting |
...This elite group of congressmen, from the State Of Michigan, voted for the SINGLE BIGGEST TAX HIKE IN AMERICAN HISTORY during a severe RECESSION.

They voted to regulate the very gas you and I exhale. Why? To combat global warming.

One thing that these elite Democrats need to understand is that they have just voted to massively raise taxes on citizens to combat a problem that doesn’t exist. Monroe, Michigan in John Dingell’s district saw a 0.23 degree DROP in its mean temperature over the last 10 years. Monroe’s warmest day in the last decade was in August 2001, almost eight years ago.
Illinois Review: Kirk's "Yes" on Cap and Trade
Is there any chance the IL GOP's conservative base would forgive this vote and work for a Kirk candidacy?

Or has Kirk sealed his political future in Illinois politics with a yes vote on the Democrats' "Cap and Trade"?

NOTE: We've just learned that an impromptu protest against the Cap and Trade vote will be held Saturday at 1:00 PM at the Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn, in Chicago. Spread the word.

1 comment:

PDiddy said...

How do we start a recall for Mark Kirk here in his district?

We need to start this immediately. We did not vote for this and he no longer represents our interest's.

It's time for some accountability!