Thursday, June 04, 2009

When the Cap Isn’t a Cap, the Trades are a Charade — MasterResource
Waxman-Markey shows one thing clearly: Congress is capable of crafting a bill that is far worse than even the most pessimistic policy analyst could ever envision. There is not only “market failure” but “political failure” in the policy response, requiring the public policy community to balance the two in any policy prescription lest “analytical failure” join the other two.
Don't forget that all the failures above are balanced atop a "base" of scientific fraud.

Landscheidt Cycles Research » Blog Archive » 200 Year Solar Cycle Prediction
Predicting solar cycle modulation using angular momentum is relatively easy, but like any prediction it needs to be tested. Interested parties who rely on solar activity predictions might like to make a copy for future reference and compare with the regular methods of prediction which typically only go out for one cycle, which can hamper long term planning in some industries.
County eyes carbon [swindle] credits - Carbon Offsets Daily
Blue Earth County might be able to make money by burning methane from its landfill to generate electricity — but only if the state says it doesn’t have to.

For that to make sense we’ll have to back up a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fail^3 indeed