Saturday, June 13, 2009

Witness Intimidation in the Global Warming Debate?
Worshippers of the religion of global warming want people to think they are just good-natured, environmentally-conscious folk who want to save our planet and everything on it from apocalypse.

While I am sure there are a few worshippers who do fit that bill, most of those pulling the strings behind this, the biggest hoax ever attempted to be perpetrated on humanity, aren’t nearly so benevolent in their intentions…or methods.
This year, [Exxon] chief executive Rex Tillerson declined to respond to shareholder comments, and his answers to questions were mostly narrow and brief. At one point, a shareholder activist took him to task for not challenging those shareholders who stood up to proclaim that climate change was a hoax, contrary to Exxon's official position. Tillerson was unmoved.
[Near-consensus at last? Carbon scheme "a scam"]: Australian green activists protest against government's poor climate policies
New South Wales Greens upper house MP Lee Rhiannon addressed the crowd at Sydney with the message that the government's scheme would continue its reliance on fossil fuels, and called for urgent action to tackle runaway climate change. She reportedly called the carbon scheme a "scam".

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