Wednesday, July 29, 2009

$4,000 solar trash cans to save Philadelphia… « Green Hell Blog
… $875,000 per year amid a a $1.4 billion five year deficit, reports USA Today.
Heliogenic Climate Change: We have ways to make you behave
LaHood argued at the press club that columnist George Will was the only person who didn't really like the idea of using government policies to encourage [coerce!] people to not use their cars.
[What's the carbon footprint of this place?] : Bill Clinton's House (Bing Maps)
House of Bill Clinton (42nd President of the United States of America) and his wife Hillary Clinton.
Bill Chameides: Global Warming Trash Talk or Cherry-Pickin' Time
Don't be fooled by arguments about climate that don't consider long-term trends and/or global phenomena. So I am going to end here and get some real cherries from fridge. I don't know about you, but I think it's been a great year for cherries.
Michigan cherry farmer battles lack of global warming with artificial "greenhouse" tunnels
Chilly springs such as the '09 season slow the harvest and undercut sales and profits.

So Hoxsie found a way to tweak Mother Nature's confines. He installed a set of three 600-foot long tunnels at his farm that cover an acre of 500-plus dwarf sweet cherry trees imported from the West Coast.

Because the tunnels create a greenhouse effect that can speed up a crop's development, Hoxsie said heading into National Cherry Festival week without fresh local sweets soon will be a thing of the past.

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