Friday, July 03, 2009

American Thinker Blog: How's that transparency in science coming, fellas?
Making carbon a pollutant and subject to the tender regulatory mercies of the EPA is going to add a massive layer of bureaucracy to energy production, thus driving up costs, discouraging innovation, and all the attendant evils that a huge increase in paperwork entails.

Read the rest of Strassel's article on this clear example of hypocrisy by the Obama administration.
The mobius band of climate science
A Mobius band is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. I have always thought this is an obvious metaphor for the current strain of climate science. From the governmental reports, to the opportunists, to the politicians and their staff, to the majority of media and educational institutions, there is but one side to the question of man-made global warming. Let me illustrate with a few examples.
Sawnee EMC rate hike possible | AccessNorthGa
“We are seeing tremendous pressure, from a cost standpoint, in the area of environmental compliance as well as other key business areas,” said Michael A. Goodroe, President and CEO. “Existing federal requirements, such as those found in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, as well as several proposals that are working their way through the U.S. Congress relating to climate change and mandates to purchase renewable energy, are suggesting that “how” we collect revenue from our members must change”, he added. “Green energy or dealing with climate change is not cheap and all of the proposals in Congress, if they become law, will require that our retail rates go up to meet these mandates.”

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