Monday, July 13, 2009

Barack Obama [allegedly writes an op-ed; forgets to mention The Most Important Issue of All Time] -
Already, we're making progress on health-care reform that controls costs while ensuring choice and quality, as well as energy legislation that will make clean energy the profitable kind of energy, leading to whole new industries and jobs that cannot be outsourced.
Obama’s new advisor on getting rid of humans | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
You can sure understand why a man with such inclinations would be now strongly drawn to global warming theory.

But why is Obama drawn to him?

Zombietime, who uncovered Holdren’s witterings, has the context, the history, photographic evidence, and denunciation all here, along with answers to the most common objections - and asks that if Holdren has since repented his views, why has he never said so?
Twitter / Lou Mcelroy
"What I'm about to tell you is complete BS, but it'll make me tons of money. " Al Gore, Inconvenient Truth #1stdraftmovielines
Timothy Birdnow » Palin, Climate Change, and Globalism
The US Senate is at the ball now and my advice is to call them Senators every day.

The message in a nut shell:
Tell them that AGW does not exist since 1998, that the planet is cooling ever since and that they will lose their seat by the next election if they vote in favor of any climate legislation that in any way restricts the freedom of energy use, raises the costs of energy or reduces the economic growth one way or another.

No restrictions, No Cap & Trade, No regulation via the Clean Air and Clean Water Act, No regulation via the back door of the existing OZON Treaty.

No acceptence of a legal classification of CO2 as a poison.

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