Monday, July 13, 2009

This much I know: James Murdoch, chairman and CEO, 36, London | Life and style | The Observer
I would just like my children to be able to eat fish when they grow up. Now, I don't think there's anything controversial about that.

How we deal with climate-change deniers depends on who they are. If they run energy policy for large governments, then they're a problem. If it's a random columnist, ignore them for a while. If they're in my paper? Well, I don't tell people what to write.
"Cap & trade" as a civil war re-enactment
A reader writes that it is just another scheme to favour the rich and privileged:

Cap-and-trade, i.e., buying "carbon off-sets" (such as what Al Gore does to keep his big mansion air-conditioned), looks a lot like the old, U.S. Civil War-era practice of rich families buying their sons' way out of the draft. If you had the money and the inclination back then, you could pay someone else (a poorer person, usually, someone from the "less advantaged" classes) to take you place among the conscripts and stop the bullet with your name on it.

Buying your way out of conscription was a form of big fish eating little fish, the ultimate kick-the-cat scenario. No one mentions that.

Right now everyone is filled with the noble purpose of reducing carbon emissions, and trading green for carbon privileges, which strikes the proponents of C&T as a grand idea. It's fundamentally class- and wealth-based, just as Civil War draft avoidance was.
Tilting at Wind Farms -Times Online
The Government’s plans to concentrate on wind power at the expense of other renewable energy sources could prove to be a costly mistake

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