Monday, July 13, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor - Getting Serious About Climate Change [Fraud] -
To save the environment we will need unprecedented action — and a great deal of luck. But the change we need is nowhere in sight. Having participated in U.N. negotiations and countless climate conferences in recent decades, we confess to a dreadful sense of déjà vu as we approach the December 2009 Climate Summit in Copenhagen.
It’s defense of the planet, stupid. The Copenhagen meeting is not just another diplomatic talkfest. It must be seen as a global security conference about the survival of life on earth as we know it. It would help negotiators get a sense of the stakes if they likened the challenge to that of stopping the impact of an incoming asteroid or deterring an alien invasion. Collective urgent action, in which all players compete to contribute and recognize there are no winners, is required. [Via Benny Peiser]
Wasn’t it once red? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Reader Brendan notes a change in the color of the book now being waved by precisely the same kind of people
American Thinker: Obama the Trickster
...Those are the race/gender/sexuality statist demagogues who seized power when the Boomer Left took over. That is why we have Leftists in control of the Democrats, the universities, and the Chicago Machine. It's why the deeply dishonest ideologue James Hansen has a fat salary at NASA while systematically lying about global warming.

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