Friday, July 24, 2009

Can you afford “Cap and Trade Tax” at $1,960 per household annually?
This may be a good time to get better acquainted with your congressman/woman.

For a president who got elected to reduced taxes – President Obama is working overtime to levy more and bigger taxes every day. The “Cap and Trade” tax is the big granddaddy of them all because you will be paying big chunks monthly. Can you afford an additional $163.33 taken out of your paycheck each month? Can’t pay your energy bills – they will be shut off.
Northwest Herald | Cap and Trade idiocy
When I explained a few of the bill’s finer points to my 13-year old son, he asked if lawmakers were crazy.
We need our lawmakers to take the time to read the idiocy of the laws they subject us to, before they vote.

And we need our press to do some work, and act as watchdogs against, not cheerleaders for legislative stupidity and excess.

Walt Krause
COMMENTARY: Cap and Trade bill is a power grab in disguise | Hutchinson Leader
This bill is a massive power grab by the federal government. If this bill passes through the Senate and becomes law, those legislators who voted for this bill will someday deeply regret their vote as they will realize that they will have given too much power to the executive branch and to dozens of unelected bureaucrats.
Roberts: Cap and Trade bad for rural America - KSN TV
And not just gas, Senator Roberts argues diesel fuel, natural gas and fertilizer would all go up.

"Energy costs paid by farmers, ranchers, local businesses, hospitals and you will skyrocket," Roberts said Thursday.

What's more, Roberts worries about the three Kansas communities where oil refineries are located.

About 750 people work at the El Dorado refinery. According to Senator Roberts all of those jobs could be in jeopardy should the cap and trade bill pass.

"If this bill becomes law, all three could close their doors, that's what they've told us," said Roberts.
"This bill is a wet dog that is not welcome in any farm or ranch house," said Roberts.

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