Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The climate science fight club | Auden Schendler, Executive Director of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company
So a guy writes in to our local paper saying climate change is a big scam, nobody ever shows the actual data, blah blah blah.

I usually ignore these things like I ignore the moon landing deniers and the flat earthers, but this time I had a second in the morning and so I sent him a few things I keep on my desk like a soldier keeps weapons nearby: Naomi Oreskes Science article from 2004 (2004!) that shows that there are NO peer reviewed scientific papers that say anything other than that the climate is warming and it’s human caused; the latest NASA global temperature data going back to the 1800s; and a publication on the disproportionate warming in the United States by the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization. And I mail it to the dude. Took me five minutes. Advancing the cause of information vs. myth.
'German carbon capture plan has ended with CO2 being pumped directly into the atmosphere'. Meantime, the biosphere burps, and says, 'thank you'. | GORE LIED
My perspective? It’s much ado about nothing. If anything, the CO2 “pumped directly in the atmosphere” will promote crop yields, and help to feed the hungry.
Livelihoods at risk as drought worsens in western Somaliland
Warsame said sheep were the most affected due to a lack of pasture and the start of the cold weather had escalated the deaths.

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