Monday, July 20, 2009

Copenhagen: Little helpers' wedding opens Santa Congress
A bicycle ride on Tuesday will show that Santas care about their health as well as climate change, organizers said.

Some Santas said they felt they had an especially important role to play this year, because of concerns about global warming and the economic crisis.

"The role of Santa is to tell people that there's always hope even if the skies are threatening," said Douglas Gowin, a St. Nick from Washington, D.C.
How Accurate is Emissions Reporting? - Green Inc. Blog -
Meanwhile, the clamor for emissions reporting continues to increase. Last week, Wal-Mart announced that it would ask its suppliers 15 questions about their emissions of greenhouse gases (among other factors), in order to give items sold in Wal-Mart stores an overall sustainability rating.

“We expect our suppliers to answers these questions honestly,” said Kory Lundberg, a media manager at Wal-Mart, in an e-mail message. “We will have ways to verify, both internally and through independent third parties, the responses to our questions, but we don’t plan to audit every answer from every supplier.”
Tom DeWeese -- Firestorm in Spokane
[ Edwin X. Berry, PhD ] We are partying on the train to Auschwitz
These IPCC claims are lies and a fraud.
You elected officials of the great City of Spokane have two clear choices: You can vote YES to perpetuate the global warming fraud, sponsor an earth worship religion, and to send Spokane and America to its eventual destruction. Or you can vote NO to become the first city in America to reject the sustainability fraud and send Spokane and America on a path to enlightenment and recovery.

NO is a vote for Good. YES is a vote for Evil.

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