Thursday, July 30, 2009

Flashback to March '09: On NPR, Andy Revkin publicly claims that climate skeptics are "not gaining traction"
[Andy Revkin] And what I sense this year - there was a little of this last year too - is they're realizing they have such a varied array of scientific explanations for what's going on with climate that they felt the need to sort of sync things up, to square up their own stories in some sense, because otherwise they're in danger of losing credibility.

COHEN: And what do you think has caused this change?

Mr. REVKIN: They're not gaining traction, let's put it that way. They're still out there. There are people on the other side of the issue who have a very extreme view of, you know, the climate becoming unraveled in real time where the science also is maybe not there. If you're trying to make a case to the public in America, if you're not consistent, that's a sign of you may not have reality on your side.
July '09: Global warming scam finishes last in NPR poll

Rasmussen poll: 70% of Americans Don't Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather
1. Much of the nation is going through oppressive heat waves, while other parts of the country are experiencing record low temperatures. Is our weather this summer part of the normal climate cycle or a global warming issue?
59% Part of normal climate cycle
30% Global warming issue
11% Not sure
When will Revkin do a story to point out that climate realists ARE gaining traction?

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