Wednesday, July 08, 2009

frogblog » Nick Smith asks for a public education on climate change
Climate change is not just another problem - not even the biggest problem of our time. It is qualitatively different from anything else before in human history - an existential threat to the well-being, if not the survival, of humanity.
Christian climate change campaigns are ‘crap’, Operation Noah is told
Mark Dowd, campaign strategist for Operation Noah, reported yesterday that he was pulled up short by an email he received after the event “from a fellow Christian”. It read:
You’re only doing this climate change crap for its political advantage. There is not a damn thing to worry about and not a damned thing you can do about it anyways. You people are such fools and are doing a fine job making Christians look foolish.
Meanwhile, we learn that the Methodist Church has also jumped on the climate change bandwagon. It is urging Christians to “repent of the sins that contribute to climate change”.
Your Portfolio is "Better than You Thought" « Climate Audit
Figure 1. S&P 500 with Rahmstorf smoothing. Thanks to Ross McKitrick for data and idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new shift in religion is to worship God's creation rather than God himself. Senator Inhofe has given a talk where he cites a warning about it in the bible.