Friday, July 03, 2009

Hot Air » Blog Archive » The Obama Inquisition on climate change
Carlin’s comments didn’t “help the legal or policy case” for the Obama administration? Actually, Carlin’s scientific analysis undermined the entire reason for those legal and policy choices. The effort to silence Carlin didn’t come because the EPA and the White House could easily refute the analysis. They silenced Carlin because they couldn’t refute it.

Now that Carlin has blown the whistle, the Obama administration has embarked on another ages-old strategy: character assassination. They have dismissed Carlin as an economist, when he actually has a degree in physics — from CalTech. They have derided his work as “sham science,” even though it relied on peer-reviewed studies. They’ve done everything but actually use the scientific method to rebut Carlin, which demonstrates the commitment they have to the “rightful place” of science when it comes to policy in this administration.

Michelle has done great work on this topic, and has a video of Carlin speaking earlier this week. Be sure to keep up with the story there.
The Charleston Gazette - Don Surber - Would Galileo buy global warming? 
...In 1992, Pope John Paul II expressed regret and officially recognized that no, the Earth is not the center of the universe.

That was a little late for Galileo, but the audience for that retraction was the living, not those who have long departed this Earth.

Today, the Church of Manmade Global Warming holds that man's sin of materialism is causing the Earth to burn up.

Apparently there was a vote and many scientists agreed that man was causing global warming. As with the $787 billion stimulus, the $410 billion budget, and the cap-and-trade tax, no one read the thing before voting.

The theory is that the global warming is happening because of man's generation of "greenhouse gases." Greenhouses seem to be good for plants.

The adherents to the theory of manmade global warming have computer models and everything that take into account all sorts of factors, except the one that may matter most - solar activity.

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