Friday, July 24, 2009

John Kerry: Starting to Panic
He’s sounding down right desperate these days. In a report released on Thursday (but apparently not yet available online) by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Kerry chairs, we are reminded that neither the US or China “has been willing to take the dramatic actions that many experts deem necessary to achieve critical mass for a global effort. . . .Many in the United States frankly doubt China’s commitment to reduce emissions.”

It also notes that “the absence of specific emissions reduction commitments from China has stoked fears of an unfair economic advantage for China, a hobbled U.S. economy and an insufficient response to the threat of global climate change.”
Say 'No' at Copenhagen- Comments & Analysis-Opinion-The Economic Times
The US knows that it is on thin ice when it insists on mitigation commitments from India in the near future. The principal reason it targets India is that it is ill-at-ease targeting China alone. It can be scarcely unaware that mitigation by India from its current low emission levels would do little to alleviate global warming problem.
At Copenhagen, India should clearly indicate to the US that it would not sign an unjust and inequitable treaty permitting trade sanctions against other countries; that it would challenge any attempt at enforcing such sanctions against non-signatories in the WTO dispute settlement body; and that if necessary it would exercise its right to retaliate in WTO-legal fashion.
UK Met Office and Dr. Phil Jones: “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” « Watts Up With That?
The fact that Hadley/Met Office repeatedly refuses to disclose the data and methodology only deepens the likelihood that there is something amiss and Hadley does not want to be caught out on it.
The Climate Sceptics Party Blog: Protest against the ETS in Canberra Aug 13th
The theme will be "Man Made Climate Change is Bull" and a quiet bull is being organised to be at the event. Bring a Placard or two in line with the theme. Barnaby Joyce will be one of the speakers.
This legislation could end up being the all time worst legislation ever in Australia's history and it will be good to have as many people saying so before it gets voted on.

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