Sunday, July 19, 2009

Maximum solar output causes global warming: duh. | The Real Revo
What if there was an external energy source that was able to change the Earth’s climate? In order for it to actually impact the climate on Earth, this hypothetical energy source would have to be massive. How massive? It would have to be as massive as, say, our own Sun.
Instapundit » Blog Archive
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Steve Schroeder of Mantorville, Minnesota writes:
In regards to the post about Minnesota Temps Nate Silver is just picking out high temps for a weird period of time – 6/21/09 to 7/17/09. What really matters in Southern Minnesota is Growing Degree Days – how is the Corn growing? Here is a link showing that we are behind by 131 growing degree days for the entire 2009 growing season. I have lived in Southern Minnesota for over 45 years and can say that the field corn is behind in its’ development and we are also behind by about a week or two eating the great sweet corn that grows here in Minnesota. In the real world these are the statistics that matter because it is a major economic driver for our local economy.
Hillary non-committal on major issues INDIA NEWS
To a supplementary question on climate change, Clinton responded on lines foreshadowed in her speeches and interactions of the last couple of weeks, as she had laid the spadework for this trip. It was fair to say, Clinton acknowledged, that the developed nations included the US had made mistakes, and that those mistakes had led to the disastrous position of today.

"I can only hope and suggest that India should learn from those mistakes," she said. As a country, she argued, India had shown remarkable ability to leapfrog technological time - as witness the 500 million cell phone user base or the rapidly growing internet penetration. She hoped, therefore, that India will similarly jump ahead of the rest in technologies to reduce carbon emissions, even as it went flat out on the path of economic progress aimed at alleviating poverty.

"There is no inherent contradiction between poverty eradication and moving towards a carbon emission-free regime," Clinton said.

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