Thursday, July 16, 2009

More insanity from James Hansen

Here [PDF]:
Civil Resistance: Is the Sundance Kid a Criminal?

Another truth that has become apparent: our climate/environment leaders are not people located in Washington. The leaders are members of the public who understand the situation and have the courage to act on it. I met a couple of them recently:

Tim DeChristopher, the University of Utah student, who, realizing that it makes no sense to be going after the last drop of oil on pristine public lands, outbid the oil companies for drilling rights. He has been charged with two felonies (because he had no money to pay for the drilling rights) and is threatened with 10 years in prison (he is facing about $100,000. in legal costs -- you can contribute to his defense at

You can see a rationale for Tim’s defense in the above charts. The efforts of fossil interests to go after every last drop of oil may leave his generation with a $12 trillion cleanup bill – that’s just for restoring the air (removing 30 ppm of CO2), without consideration of payment for damage due to rising seas – and what is the price of species exterminated?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...300 billion barrels of oil in Alaska we *know of* and 2 TRILLION barrels worth of oil shale in the
U.S. alone... peak oil (now renamed "peak energy") alarmists, all that is a "drop" of oil. Crude oil, the second most plentyful liquid after water