Sunday, July 26, 2009

Romm on Gore « Climate Progress
Gore should not be the centerpiece of any discussion of climate science because he is not a scientist nor does he claim to be. He is, however, filling the role as the country’s leading climate journalist because the status quo media have utterly dropped the ball on the subject...

Like any journalist, Gore occasionally makes statements one can quibble with, but compared to 99.9% of the reporters writing on the subject, his careful word choice, his knowledge of the subject, and his basic premises are are dead on.
A Case Against Precipitous Climate Action | JoNova
This piece was originally written for the German magazine, Numero, but after soliciting it, they decided against publishing it. Interestingly, they were originally in a great hurry to get it. Apparently their intention was to run it with an opposing piece by Schellnhuber. Schellnhuber backed out, and then so did the magazine. They apparently forgot to mention that to Dr Lindzen until he enquired, which doesn’t seem like a polite way to treat eminent authors.

Was there a good reason for Schellnhuber to back out, or was this a case of another alarmist who won’t debate? And of course, even without Schnellnhuber, the magazine could have printed Lindzens article anyway. How often does the media hold back an alarmist story because they lack a sceptical counterpart?
New Study in Science Magazine: Proof of Positive Cloud Feedback? « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
The bottom line is that it is very difficult to infer positive cloud feedback from observations of warming accompanying a decrease in clouds, because a decrease in clouds causing warming will always “look like” positive feedback.

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