Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Should We Start Over on Climate Change?
Some say this line of thinking is dangerous, claiming it would be disastrous to abandon all current efforts to curb climate change and then start working in a different direction. For one thing, it would be extremely difficult for multiple countries to reach any sort of agreement on the best course of action. G8 leaders are expected to discuss climate change in a meeting today.

What do you think? Is it wise to halt our current approaches to climate change and refocus in a different direction, or is it a better idea to tweak what we’ve got until it’s more effective?
The Political and Financial Markets Commentator: Cap and Trade And You And Me
Cap and Trade Through The Eyes Of The People It Will Hurt Most: The Middle Class

For all of you partisans out there that like to paint everything as a Red/Blue fight, Cap and Trade will be a bi-partisan disaster for us all if it gets through the Senate. I have written several pieces on it, but the following is a letter written by a Long Island school teacher that expresses the impact, as well as the steps we can all take, very well.
The sunspot theory of climate change « Robert Kyriakides’s Weblog
So far, most predictions of climate and weather based on sunspot activity have proved to be wrong.

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