Saturday, July 04, 2009

Skeptic's Corner: The People behind the people behind the story
These are some of the companies and peoples behind the people behind the story on a world wide media outlet reporting why carbon dioxide is so bad and needs to be regulated as a pollutant, instead of a vital trace gas necessary for life on earth.

It is sure nice to know that those evil fossil fuel industries are being hunted down and exposed for their influence on policy. Obviously the venture capital firms through their proxies and gullible, uh activist college student reporters writing stories for Reuters are doing it to save the planet. Nice also to see that Reuters is willing to turn journalistic standards into trash, joining climate science community as despicable peddlers of deceit for a few silver coins.
The Money Minute Weekly™: Climate Change Hustle
Our Twitter dialog (i.e. debate) prompts us, on the cusp of broad reaching cap-n-trade legislation, to address the issue of so-called "climate change," but far from what the mainstream media reports, it's not a forgone conclusion, there are two sides to this debate. This is not over, in fact it is only beginning. And personally speaking, our staff have transformed into climate change skeptics. Only now is it coming out even those within the EPA are having their reports buried by their respective organizations, that is to say the environment may actually be cooling.
Green scrooges wanted | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Green believer Adele Horin:
Given climate change, and the social and environmental costs of Western-style consumption, surely the world needs more cheapskates.

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