Monday, July 13, 2009

Switchboard, from NRDC :: Pete Altman's Blog :: Lunatic Fringe Watch: Wing Nuts Unleashed on ACES Climate Bill
If you feel the ground shaking under your feet that is because the United States is about to be swallowed up into the bowels of Hell as the U.S. Senate takes up climate legislation.

Or so Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin would have you believe.

These and other right-wing "pundits" lost their tenuous grasp on reality in June when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass historic clean energy jobs legislation.
Switchboard, from NRDC :: Pete Altman's Blog :: About
As Climate Campaign Director for NRDC, my job involves finding ways to help move the US forward in dealing responsibly with global warming. So I get to work on all kinds of different projects that involve public outreach, research and reports, and creative ways of bringing together different interest groups and constituencies to advocate for change. Global warming is a huge challenge; solving it demands the best of us as a global community and as individuals. But this also presents a huge opportunity to make the world, and our lot in it, better.

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