Sunday, July 19, 2009 - Lobbyists lining up for shot at climate bill
The search for consensus on climate change legislation continues next week in the Senate, but it seems every day brings fresh reminders of how difficult that effort could be.

Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has sought to entice wavering senators by stressing the legislation is as much about the economy as the environment. On Tuesday, her panel will examine how the clean-energy technologies' supporters say the legislation will improve local and state economies that have been withered by the recession.
Even those industries more in tune with Boxer's vision are looking to mold the House climate bill more to their liking in the Senate, which could be difficult considering the Jenga-like structure of the measure.
Under the House bill, farmers could get credit for their climate-friendly practices they've employed since 2001. The Environmental Working Group argued this week that created a loophole that will delay meaningful emissions cuts.
Pro Commerce: One debate on global warming
I think the global warming hysteria will have a more abrupt ending. I think somebody will be able to successfully arrange a public debate of significant authorities on the subject. After the debate, the issue will melt away like the Arctic Ice.

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