Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twitter / Dixie Flatline
@Tokyo_Tom Who denies climate change? People deny AGW, and some like me wonder why we haven't had the ice age they promised 40 years ago.
Worldchanging: Bright Green: President Obama, Lead Us to Copenhagen
Mr. President, one measure of how good ancestor you will be -- how good a set of ancestors we Americans will all be -- waits to be taken on the floor of the Senate. But your administration's -- and our generation's -- epitaph will not be decided there, but in Copenhagen, and what the COP-15 Summit makes possible in the critical years that follow. If we fail to move much more boldly, that epitaph will be simply "They risked too little, acted too late, and threw away our hope."
Twitter / Mike Kelly
Maybe if the left wasn't so busy trying to damn this country by prying open the gates of Hell we wouldn't have to worry about global warming
Video: Earth's temperature for the last 10,000 years

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