Saturday, July 11, 2009

WWF's Dr. Neil Hamilton on Global Warming in the Arctic - He is the Director of the International Arctic Program - Softpedia
[Q] What do you think prevents some people from acknowledging global warming is real?

I think the most common reason is that most people have very busy lives and simply are not exposed to the real facts about what is happening. It’s much easier to pretend it’s not happening when you can’t see, on very short time scales, the actual impacts. Coupled with this psychological reality is the fact that society ‘is now’ rather than in the future. The inertia in the Earth System means that behavior today will have significant impacts tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, rather than being immediate.

The most serious impacts of climate change today are not seen by most people in the western world as few venture into the developing world, or the poles, where most of the action is. This, coupled with the fact that is is rarely possible to directly link climate change to a specific event in a specific place, all helps to seed doubt into many minds.

The final ingredient in this story is a tiny minority of people and organizations who deliberately provide disinformation and set out to confuse people, for their own ends. The coal and oil industries among others have repeatedly demonstrated their credentials in this area. The result is that normal intelligent people are confused, and rather than take on what seems to be a daunting challenge, will tend to walk away from the question.
...the ice is melting so fast that we are close to losing all of it in the summer.
John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, advocated totalitarian measures to address overpopulation | Les Jones
Via Ace of Spades, Zombietime has unearthed a book of environmental extremism written by Obama’s science czar, John Holdren, and co-authors Paul and Anne Ehrlich. The book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, advocates extreme measures such as forced abortions and forced sterilization to combat the threat the authors foresee from overpopulation.

All quotes directly from the book (and Zombietime has photographs of these passages if you have any doubts)...
Global Chemical Industry announces findings
Greenhouse gas emissions savings enabled by chemical industry are more than
double industry emissions
, with abatement potential of more than ‘4 to 1’ by 2030

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