Friday, July 24, 2009

Wyatt: Hubris in climate change - Opinion Extra - The State
Avoid hubris. The global climate will change. It has in the past and will continue in the future with or without us. It is a part of our dynamic planet that makes life possible. We learn, understand, adapt and utilize.

Before we assume that not only are we the cause of global warming but also the cure, let us make sure the science is comprehensive and that we have the knowledge and wisdom necessary. As the writer of Ecclesiastes aptly states, "Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever".

Dr. Wyatt is a geologist and geophysicist in Aiken.
Twitter / Edward Brown
Obamcare and Climate change bill are OBAMAS twin bridges to NoWhere.
Why Climate Change Is Even Worse Than We Feared | Sharon Begley |
...the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is already enough to raise the mercury 2 degrees. The only reason it hasn't is that the atmosphere is full of crap (dust and aerosols that contribute to asthma, emphysema, and other diseases) that acts as a global coolant. As that pollution is reduced for health reasons, we're going to blast right through 2 degrees, which is enough to ex-acerbate droughts and storms, wreak havoc on agriculture, and produce a planet warmer than it's been in millions of years. The 2-degree promise is a mirage.

The test of whether the nations of the world care enough to act will come in December, when 192 countries meet in Copenhagen to hammer out a climate treaty. Carlson vows that IPY will finish its Arctic assessment in time for the meeting, and one conclusion is already clear. "A consensus has developed during IPY that the Greenland ice sheet will disappear," he says. Cue the Jaws music.
May '07 - Newsweek Editor Suggests President Bush Is Mentally Ill - Brit Hume | Special Report
The senior science editor at Newsweek magazine has suggested that President Bush is mentally ill — writing that he is "in a state of denial" over the Iraq war.

Sharon Begley offers as proof the president's insistence the war will succeed, despite what she calls "setback after setback." She continues: "While it's always risky to psychoanalyze a politician from afar, a few things in his past are consistent with the capacity for denial."

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