Friday, August 21, 2009

An admission that trace amounts of CO2 are NOT the key factor in our ability to navigate the Northwest Passage in any given year?

Crew Log 68 - At Sea 68 38N, 098 34W
"Without charts, chart plotter(s), radar, depth sounder(s), GPS, wind instruments and satellite ice reports - not to mention a reliable engine - it is hard to imagine negotiating this passage at all, much less in a few weeks - or even a year! Did I mention ice?
It is hard to imagine negotiating the passage without the benefits of modern technology.
As we continue to make our way through the Passage with all of our modern conveniences, we do understand that weather rules the day today as it did hundreds of years ago. It would be foolish to think otherwise.
Note that the Northwest Passage has been navigated many times before, without the benefits of modern technology.

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