Thursday, August 13, 2009

American Thinker: Elites Speak, Masses Laugh: Frankie Valli Fights Back
The stranglehold the media and government elites have had on this country is beginning to break. And the proof comes not just in the pudding that is resistance to Obama health care, but at a Frankie Valli concert in Brooklyn just a few short weeks ago.
To the murmur of the waves gently rolling in from the Atlantic, he announces "We have a celebrity in the house!" He stops for dramatic effect -- and then introduces Arthur Sulzberger Jr., publisher of The New York Times.

Ten thousand people pause, and then look at each other. Silence. Then boos. Hundreds of boos, scattered at first, then thousands, reaching a crescendo and, finally, ending with laughter. And then the crowd settles down, ignoring the politician and the so-called celebrity because they are enjoying themselves, because the music to come would be a joyful mingling of past and present, and because Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is as relevant to them as the Donna Karan fall collection just introduced by Saks Fifth Avenue in the newspaper he inherited.

This is a herald of victory in the class war: The elites speak, the masses laugh.
Twitter / Mug Wump
The global warming religion is a modern doomsday story about mass superstition that "contains a grain of truth and a mountain of nonsense."
How Big Are the Environmental Benefits of High-Speed Rail? - Economix Blog -
The environmental and mortality benefits of rail are real, but the magnitude of the social benefits from switching modes seems is quite small relative to the cost of the system.

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