Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ask Not If the Science of Global Warming is True ... - by Review By Joseph Bast - Environment & Climate News
Why We Disagree About Climate Change
By Mike Hulme
More than a few people will be tempted to buy this book based on the promise, implicit in its title, that it examines the ideas and motives of both sides in the global warming debate. But that is not what this book is about. It is the musings of a British socialist about how to use global warming claims as a means of persuading “the masses” to give up their economic liberties.
YouTube - Global warming is a scam
From MSM even, this actually tells the truth about the global warming scam!
I am not promoting the BGA, don't know anything about it, but I saw this ad on
CNBC and had to upload it for all to see. No matter what you call it - global warming,
climate change, cap in trade - it is all a scam and we need to raise one united voice against it now or suffer the consequences for the rest of time.
The American Spectator : Of Two Minds About Cap and Trade
Is hyper-bipolar a word?

If so, it would aptly describe the global warming policy views of Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who this year also has additional roles as chairman of both the Democratic Governors Association and the Western Governors Association.
Australian Climate Madness: Combet spits dummy over Fielding
They just don't get it. Someone who actually takes their time to investigate the whole "global warming" issue, and realises that there's something fishy about it, and the government just can't cope with it. Greg Combet goes postal and smears Fielding

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