Sunday, August 23, 2009

Climate change doubles tundra plant life, boosting shrubs, grasses - CKA News
Climate change is already having a dramatic effect on plants in the High Arctic, turning the once rocky tundra a deep shade of green and creating what could be another mechanism speeding up global warming.
And if that is the case, Henry said the new, denser, shrubbier tundra could speed up global warming even further simply because that vegetation is darker and absorbs more solar energy. Previous studies have suggested that a global spread of thicker plant growth on the tundra could have the same effect as doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
[Let's all panic: Your cell phone charger allegedly caused precipitation to increase or decrease 10 percent per century in parts of Ohio]
An earlier study of Ohio rainfall patterns, for example, shows an overall 10 percent precipitation increase in the northern half of the state from 1900 to 1996 but a 10 percent drop in the southern half -- a real-time example of how changing rain patterns might produce winners and losers in climate change.
Nigeria building the first Ozone Technology Village in Africa | Net News Publisher
Odey also announced that the National Ozone Unit and the Climate Change Unit would work together to enable the country to derive the dual benefit of protecting the ozone layer and reducing the impact of climate change.
Twitter / EClen
Global warming isn't warm, just screwy weather all over. source= u of c natsci.
2004: US: Eight States and N.Y.C. Sue Top Five U.S. Global Warming Polluters
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said: "Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources and our children's future. There is no dispute that global warming is upon us and that these defendants' carbon dioxide pollution is a major contributor. Others are taking action to reduce emissions and these companies could also do so by building cleaner energy sources. Under accepted and unambiguous law, a court can order them to reduce their emissions. We believe a court should do so and will do so." Marcher Rod Blagojevich
Global warming is a threat to our environment and our economy. In Illinois, we are acting now to address global warming through policies that protect the environment while promoting investment and economic growth.
Flashback: Take Advantage of Warming Centers During Cold Snap
"I urge individuals and families in need to take advantage of the State's warming centers, particularly during dangerous, sub-freezing temperatures," said Governor Blagojevich. "During this national economic slowdown, Illinois families need all the help they can get to save money on their heating costs while keeping their children warm and safe."

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