Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Dr. Gray's updated hurricane forecast 2009: Good news
Dr. William Gray, a noted expert in long-range hurricane forecasting, issued his revised forecast for the remainder of the 2009 hurricane season, and it is good news: A below-average season, about 85% of the long-term average in terms of activity, is expected. This is primarily due to a developing El Nino, which increases vertical wind shears which are hostile to hurricane growth.
Ambrose: Organic food worse than global warming? | ScrippsNews
One of Reason magazine's online pieces quotes a Cambridge chemist named John Emsley as saying, "The greatest catastrophe that the human race could face this century is not global warming, but a global conversion to organic farming -- an estimated 2 billion people would perish."
What does burn me are exhortations that the rest of humanity observe such otherwise meaningless rituals as some sort of salvation from a modern age seen as mostly evil even when it has offered so many blessings to humankind and when poverty and misery would almost certainly accompany a non-fertilizer, non-pesticide, non-biotech agricultural system if it were the only show in town.
Rent Seeking, Crony Capitalism, and U.S. Energy Politics: Who Wins from the Racket? — MasterResource
Waxman-Markey has set the stage for one of the greatest bouts of rent-seeking behavior in U.S. economic history. Once-independent companies, notably utilities and investment banks, have become addicted to government-granted favors for their major lines of business. The resuscitation of Enron business principles in its legacies, GE and investment banking, threatens to pick our pockets, distort the democratic process (NB the lack of concern with legislative process and informed decision-making in Congress) and leave good ideas, unconnected to the rent-seeking process in the closet.
Global Warming Hold 'Em - Why Some Countries Are All In
And India, Mexico and China produce a lot of carbon dioxide so without their buy in, the COP15 Copenhagen conference is just a bad vacation with lousy [ie, not warm] weather.

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