Wednesday, August 12, 2009

GOP at War With Itself in Florida Senate Race - TIME
Rubio is not a chest-thumper or a fist-banger, but in talks in June to a chamber of commerce in Palm Bay and the Christian Coalition in Miami, he electrified his crowds with eloquent arguments for tea-party principles. He attacked deficits in general and the stimulus in particular as Euro-socialist assaults on his kids. He clamored for term limits, state's rights, and the abolition of the estate tax. He attacked government-run health care, warned that cap-and-trade would leave us a "Third World economy," and noted that the words "separation of church and state" were nowhere in our founding documents.
The Vegetarian Myth | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Before I get into a discussion of the absolutely phenomenal book you see pictured at the right, I’ve got a few disclosures to make. First, I’m not much of a believer in the notion of man-made global warming or climate change (as they now call it since temperatures have been constantly falling instead of rising). I’m a denier, in the pejorative term used by those who are believers.
Dr. Michael R. Eades is the best selling author of Protein Power, and health care expert in nutritional science, low carb diets, and other health issues.
Ian Plimer - ETS Forum - It’s all in the rocks
Australia’s emissions constitute only 1.4% of global CO2 emissions, so anything that Australia does to limit its emissions will be an exercise in complete futility regarding the prevention of global warming. On the other hand, if Australian emissions are reduced, then it is certain that the economy will contract, tens of thousands of persons will lose their jobs, and the price of power will ultimately double.

All emissions trading systems are based on the invalid hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming, and the Rudd government’s CPRS is no exception. Senators from all parties must vote it down.  [Via Climate Realists]

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