Sunday, August 30, 2009

I love this headline: "South Asian journalists, environmentalists vow united voice on climate change" - Nepal News
Journalists and experts working on environment and climate change issues have expressed their concerns about the possible impact of climate change in the coastal and mountain regions of South Asia.

Nearly one hundred participants from South Asian nations gathered in Delhi for a two-day long media briefing workshop this past Thursday and Friday. Their discussion focused on the effects of climate change in South Asia and how to draw attention to the concerns of developing countries at the upcoming United Nations Conference on climate change to be held in Copenhagen, December, 2009.
[Lack of global warming hits Illinois]: Cold weather doesn't deter Indy fans
As fans waited to watch the IndyCar race sponsored by Peak Antifreeze, they were wondering how they were going to avoid freezing themselves during the race, which was scheduled to start around 9 p.m.

"It sucks," Erin Schubert, of Gurnee, said of the low temps as she snuggled under a NASCAR blanket in the track infield. "It's not ideal weather."
I like trees, not tree-huggers
This is among my motives for opposing environmentalists, currently demanding the reduction of carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Trees live on carbon dioxide, and it is the hypocritical friend who flatters while he plots to choke you.

Worse, some of the environmentalists are getting wise to the fact that increased forest cover would reduce the earth's albedo, or solar reflection. Since carbon-dioxide accumulations do not actually contribute to global warming (except in some fevered imaginations), but solar absorption does, the relationship between environmentalists and trees could easily sour.

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