Wednesday, August 05, 2009

India attacks British and Western 'hypocrites' over cutting emissions - Telegraph
Britain and other 'hypocritical' Western countries must sacrifice some luxuries before asking developing countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, India's climate change [fraud] envoy has told The Daily Telegraph.
"If Europe or the US increased fuel prices by $1 a litre, it would make a substantial change in private transport, a major source of emissions," said Mr Saran.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Value and Choice
The media’s urge to celebrate Cash for Clunkers as some kind of soaring success, because lots of people showed up to buy cars and grab their free money, is evidence to be collected at the latest of socialism’s crime scenes. Socialism is always eager to shine a spotlight on its dubious “successes,” while its victims are buried quietly in the dark.
‘Fragile compromise’ of power plant CEOs in doubt as Senate debate approaches « Climate Progress
Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) criticized the power companies for even trying to negotiate with congressional Democrats. Either way, he said, the electric utilities lose. “That’s bargaining with somebody on how they’re going to hang you,” Bond said. “They’ll hang you with minimal pain, or they’ll torture you to death.”
Local Opposition Stalls British Wind Power - Green Inc. Blog -
According to the environmental group Greenpeace, a key factor behind the woes is a backlash against onshore wind farms by local authorities concerned about damage to the value of citizens’ property and to the environment — including local bird populations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to say a gas tax would cause "change" in how people transport is like saying a PRISON CELL is causing people to CHANGE and restrict their transportation - is anyone noticing all these are ideas by some central planners who don't care about the best interests of the citizens "below" them?