Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mark Engler: Climate Disobedience: Is a New "Seattle" in the Making?
Of course, there is never a shortage of people who will question the tactics of civil disobedience and direct action. "We're every bit as worried about climate change as the protestors," a spokesperson for the E.On corporation, the energy company that runs Kingsnorth, said upon the announcement of the famous verdict, "but there are ways and means to protest and we would suggest their demonstration was not the way to do it."
Cash for Climate: How to get your money's worth on climate change geoengineering - Reason Magazine
The planet is warming because greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide re-radiate heat from the sun back toward the earth as it tries to escape into space.
Century to Decade Climate Change Created by Planetary Motion « the Air Vent
This video presentation and associated PDF file discuss the issues of solar forcing, TSI datasets, proxies and long term trends. I believe it is one of the better posts here on the Air Vent and it deserves a lot of attention. The presentation is quite exciting from my perspective as it is full of information which would take a long time to uncover but also because it has a unique conclusion which looks like an improvement in temperature signal analysis. It’s also a good skeptic’s presentation.
Global warming causing birds to shrink - Telegraph
Global warming is making birds smaller, according to new research from the Australian National University.

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