Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Real Grassroots Folks Launch Real Grassroots AGW Movement » Pirate's Cove
Slap a double sided sign on most Climahysterics, give them a bell, put them on a street corner to preach their gloom and doom, and most people will think they are a wacko. Give them lots of money to predict gloom and doom, and they are Al Gore.
We're Having a Heatwave: Plus Hurricane Season - washingtonpost.com
Arlington, Va.: Given that it is so hot outside, how can anyone possibly disagree with the fact global warming is definitely happening and if we don't do something right now, this is how it is going to be forever?

[Alarmist] Steve Tracton: The Washington area may be the center of the universe when it comes to world events. But, it's only one single spot on the globe and alone accounts for an immeasurably small contribution to the average temperature around the globe - even less given it's only a few days out of the year. Even a year, though, is virtually negligible in the climate record, let's say, over the past 30 years.
Don Surber » Blog Archive » 44% now doubt global warming
Maybe the message is coming through loud and clear — and people are not buying the snake oil.
Boxer considers modified ‘price collar’ for climate bill « Climate Progress
Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) is considering a “price collar” for her global warming bill that could help to curb the economic costs from a cap-and-trade program.

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