Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Obama administration withholds data on cash for clunkers
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration is refusing to release government records on its "cash-for-clunkers" rebate program that would substantiate—or undercut—White House claims of the program's success, even as the president presses the Senate for a quick vote for $2 billion to boost car sales.
Cash for clunkers: [Not polling well here]
The cash for clunkers rebates

* is another bailout of the auto industry. (33%)
* pisses me off; my taxes to a Ford Explorer driver? (26%)
* is a typical corporate rip-off of the public coffers (12%)
* are a great way to get people into more efficient vehicles (12%)
* should be extended, a worthwhile program (11%)
* sends Americna tax dollars to Japan and Germany: bad idea! (6%)

Total Votes: 412
Indian CDM applications fall 30 per cent as carbon credit prices slump - 03 Aug 2009 - BusinessGreen.com
Recession and post-Kyoto uncertainty lead to fewer UN-backed emission-reduction projects
The Reference Frame: Silence of the hurricanes
It's 2009 and we don't hear that the current hurricane score symbolizes the future trends. The reason is simple. The number 8 in 2005 dropped to 0 (in words: zero) in 2009.
What Happens to the "Clunkers" - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
...prepare to be outraged

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