Monday, September 07, 2009

Australian Climate Madness: New Japanese government to wreck economy
What is it with the Left and climate alarmism? Is it because the Left loves taxing and regulating people out of existence and AGW is the best way to achieve that goal by the back door? You decide. All I know is that China must be rubbing its hands with glee, as yet more of Japan's already depleted electronics industry will be heading their way in the near future…
Millions of jobs would vanish with energy bill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/07/2009
According to a recent analysis by the National Association of Manufacturers and the American Council for Capital Formation, Pennsylvania would lose up to 97,500 jobs by 2030 as a result of this bill - even when the "green jobs" created are accounted for. Nationally, as many as 2.4 million jobs would be lost.
How have the scientists done on Arctic sea ice forecasts this year? – Maybe not so good. « Watts Up With That?
...With 67% saying then that the 2009 extent would be greater than 2008, and with McIntyre’s forecast also, it appears that bloggers and laymen just might have have a better handle on sea ice extent than the majority of Arctic experts themselves.

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