Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Bangladesh Suit and Tie Ban to Stop Global Warming
In an effort to curb global warming (which doesn’t exist), Bangladesh has banned suit and ties in the corporate world. Men are no longer required to wear suits, jackets, ties and get this, they don’t even have to tuck in their shirts anymore.

All government buildings in Bangladesh are required to keep their thermostats at or above 75 degrees. It appears that the lunacy of global climate change has reached a tipping point in Bangladesh. A suit and tie ban is about as ridiculous as it gets. Except for perhaps a possible ban on wingtips.
wildsingapore news: Cities Trap More Carbon Than Rain Forests, Study Says
Compared with tropical rain forests—the densest natural ecosystems—cities store more carbon, acre for acre, in their trees, buildings, and dirt, a "surprising" new study says.
Your personal $146 carbon tax for the rest of the world - Orange Punch -
How is this going to be resolved? Schellnhuber says, easily. We of the rich, developed nations merely have to cough up $142 billion. A year. To give to those other nations.

If the richest sixth in the world paid up, it would amount to each person paying $142. A year. Each of you. Including your kids.

This guy reasons it will be OK because then the West would give back part of the wealth it has taken from the rest of the world over the centuries. See, D.C. isn’t the only place obsessed with redistributing your money.
Global climate [fraud] deal only 50:50 chance: Flannery | Green Business | Reuters
"The obstacles in our path are still absolutely immense and I must admit our chances are still somewhere around 50:50 of us reaching an agreement," said Flannery.

The worst-case scenario would be if the Copenhagen climate talks collapsed due to national self-interest, he said.
"That will be hugely corrosive and at the end of that process there will be full climactic destabilization."
Investor's Business Daily -- Sun-Caused Warming
Climate Change: A team of international scientists has finally figured out why sunspots have a dramatic effect on the weather. It shows the folly of fearing the SUV while dismissing that thermonuclear furnace in the sky.
[Snicker]: "Winds cause sea ice to spread in August"
Atmospheric circulation patterns in August helped spread out sea ice, slowing ice loss in most regions of the Arctic.
Sea ice extent averaged over the month of August 2009 was 6.26 million square kilometers (2.42 million square miles). This is 900,000 square kilometers (350,000 square miles) above the record low for the month, which occurred in August 2007, 200,000 square kilometers (77,000 square miles) above August 2008, and just below the August 2005 value of 6.30 million square kilometers (2.43 million square miles). Arctic sea ice extent for August 2009 was 1.41 million square kilometers (540,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average.

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