Saturday, September 26, 2009

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WHERE GASOLINE really comes from
Yes, Canada is our biggest gasoline supplier. Saudi Arabia is a minor one. That’s why Obama feels justified in bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia and giving cheap, tacky gifts to the head of state of Canada.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » ADM’s Mistake (Mostly Corrected)
As I said in the title, ADM has certainly figured this out, if their approach to the ethanol business is any guide. In ethanol, they have resorted to any number of these tactics simultaneously.
Heavy cost of Kiwi carbon [scam] | Carbon Offsets Daily
The problem with putting a price of carbon on your productive sectors ahead of other countries is that you could lose your exports from sectors that would still be competitive if all countries faced the same price of carbon. Once they are gone, they would be hard to build back up.
Jake Schmidt, NRDC: Seizing the Opportunity: Reflections from the UN Climate Summit
A lot of work is occurring behind the scenes in the Senate, so I'm optimistic that a bill can move quickly through the Senate. Passage of this bill will put the US in a strong position to secure a strong international agreement and seize this opportunity!

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