Friday, September 11, 2009

Investor's Business Daily -- America's Dim Bulbs
Less light, fewer American jobs, increased Chinese imports and the danger of mercury contamination.

What could possibly be wrong with that? Maybe we should let the consumer decide.
C3: U.S. Reports Nation's Temperatures Continue Cooling Freefall - A Minus 9.0°F per Century Rate: 'New' Little Ice Age?
The 'Isle of Dunces' Foreign Secretary recently quoted as saying "alligators will be basking off Sweden's coast" due to global warming. Using the logic of the razor sharp, scientific minds of the 'Dunces,' this must mean we'll soon have polar bears eating the seals in Lake Michigan.
I Love CO2: Cyclists put boots to drivers
I have a confession to make - and a somewhat grand one, as you might expect. I've abandoned any hope, whatsoever, that the pandemic known as "The Green Movement" is much more than dancing charlatans and shrill harridans, all taking advantage of a slumbering mainstream media, and our rather contemptible embrace of political correctness.
Number of major wild fires by continent and decade since 1950 - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal
Number of major wild fires by continent and decade since 1950. Within industrial countries, the area burned by fires is declining but the number of major fires is increasing. In the United States, for example, the area burned has declined by more than 90% since 1930, while in Sweden the area burned annually fell from about 12,000 hectares in 1876 to about 400 hectares in 1989.

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