Wednesday, September 09, 2009

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » 3 reasons why cap-and-trade is in trouble | Blogs |
There doesn’t seem to be an acute crisis.
Chicago Climate Exchange Seeks D.C. Muscle on Climate Bill -
Since 2006, CCX has been the target of several newspaper investigations questioning whether it approves carbon credits that do little to stop greenhouse gases from reaching the air. In several cases, farmers participating in the exchange's program said they received money for supposed new carbon-cutting activities that they actually had been doing for years.
Confirmed: global warming zealots hate people - Telegraph Blogs
Have you had the sneaking suspicion that climate change activists were seeking to suppress every possible life-enhancing human activity from a long hot bath to a long-haul flight to an exotic destination? Have you ever had the sense that they would actually prefer it if you just ceased to occupy space on the earth, using up - as you do - its precious resources to facilitate your own pestilential selfish existence? That, if they could, they would at least manage to deter you from reproducing? Well, here it is: this report from the LSE says it all.
Rockport author joins skeptics at Global Warming conference
“But getting back to Morano’s documentary, we hope our criticism and comments about Gore’s con-game are revealed to the world.”
YouTube - Proof that Global Warming is a hoax
By Christian Biology professor Mike Story

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