Tuesday, September 29, 2009

John Kerry: Losing his religion?

Kerry on Climate: "Suppose Al Gore Is Wrong" : TreeHugger
"Suppose they're all wrong." Sen. John Kerry, a co-sponsor of the climate bill that will hit the Senate this week, was talking about Al Gore, Jim Hanson, and other climate change worriers at a discussion last Monday, "and we get going at [addressing carbon emissions]?" His response was almost Friedman-esque (see yesterday's column) -- but thankfully without the PR sloganeering:
What's the worst that will happen? We'll be in the game in the global economy, we'll create jobs in America, we won't send 400 billion dollars to another country. The worst that could happen is that kids won't be going to hospitals in the summer. A healthier nation. We'll be leading world with respect to technologies that reduce disease and reduce poverty. The worst that could happen is that the security of the US is better...

Within the next two weeks we'll put it on the table, and put that out there. We'll have one of the most important debates this country has ever had. We'll get this country moving in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Kerry is revealing the true environmentalist agenda: it was never really about CO2 and warming and so on. It's about Gaia and earth worship and the fundamental belief that everything un-natural (i.e. everything man made) is suspect and should be kept in check. Humanity expanding and advancing into high-tech science and releasing lots of energy simply can't be tolerated by them. So that's why he's saying "so what" if AGW is a lie,, they simply recycle the old "peak oil"/"there's-no-oil-in-Alaska" claim, and if that fails, they'll say its health-threatening acid rain, and so on and so on, all the while pushing the exact same "solutions" of depopulation, demodernization and deindustrialization, that were laid out in the UN earth charter a long time ago.

gofer said...

We won't be "sending 400 billion dollars to other countries"??? What about the 700-800 BILLION that Africa is demanding for "climate adapation"....that's the whole point of their support...MONEY from the Western world. It's all about taking from the rich and giving to the "poor" dictators.