Tuesday, September 22, 2009

PSU prof gets 'genius grant'
As one of 24 new MacArthur Fellows, the 33-year-old Penn State biology professor will receive a five-year $500,000 grant to spend as she wishes.
...She led a study that found climate change thousands of years ago may have been the primary cause for a large decrease in the bison population, and not over-hunting.
C3: The Liberal Attack On Science, ACORN Style? The IPCC Fabrication of Atmospheric CO2 'Residency Time'
Source here. In order for increased human CO2 emissions to cause accelerated global warming, the climate models need to assume that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for a very long time, up to 100+ years. Since the IPCC's task is to prove any global warming is due to human CO2 emissions, they decided to proclaim that CO2 was long-lived in the atmosphere - a fabricated assumption.

They did this despite the overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed studies (and corroborating empirical measurements) finding that CO2 in the atmosphere remained there a short time. Literally, a fabricated assumption, driven by political agenda, became a cornerstone of fraudulent climate model science. As a result, billions spent on climate models that are unable to predict climate with any accuracy.
World leaders gather at UN for largest-ever summit on climate change
It will also feature a UN Leadership Forum Luncheon – to be addressed by former US Vice-President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Al Gore – which will mark the first time that global political leaders, as well as top business and civil society officials, will meet on such a large scale at the UN.
Twitter / Kenneth lang
Did U notice that Obama's UN speech on global warming sounded a lot like his health care speeches? Same fear mongering diff subject
Twitter / 57States
Obama at the UN we must act now on climate change.. Voice from Twitter ..... You f...ing LIE !!!

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