Friday, September 25, 2009

Schwarzenegger defends legacy from Whitman
Schwarzenegger, speaking to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, dismissed Whitman's recent statements that, if elected governor, she would suspend the California Global Warming Solutions Act until its effects on the economy are better understood.
I would pay no attention to this kind of rhetoric and look toward the substance. ... This is not a political issue, the governor said in response to Whitman's statement.
Immediately after the speech, Whitman issued a statement again slamming the law, referred to as AB32, calling it a job-killing regulation.
MyDD :: One Month To Go Before The Day Of Action
The phrase "350 or bust" is not just fancy rhetoric to paint on your car - if we don't get that low, scientists like IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri and NASA's James Hansen say that we WILL bust, end of story.
The Climate Sceptics Party Blog: ABC Bias
Complaint under the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Code of Practice
There exists a large and growing body of scientific evidence which is contrary to this theory. The ABC has not been presenting this contrary evidence and has been making quasi-religious assertions that the science is settled when it is not. It has been only presenting information in favour of AGW without any critical analysis of that information or attempt to balance that information with relevant examples of the contrary evidence.
A look at the Thompson et al paper – hi tech wiggle matching and removal of natural variables « Watts Up With That?
If we ignore the short period between the 1982/83 and 1986/87/88 El Nino events when temperatures fell, the “Tdyn/ENSO/Volcano residual global mean” data has not been accelerating; it has been decelerating.

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