Tuesday, September 08, 2009

YouTube - David Miliband [promotes the greatest scientific fraud in human history]
Foreign Secretary David Miliband has highlighted the threat to world resources and security from global warming..
Global Warming: Chilling truth or Red Hot lies? - Barnesville.com
Barnesville played host to its own Tea Party yesterday held in Ritz park. The grass was full, signs were carried and speakers were in no shortage.

One of those speakers was Robert (Bob) Heiney who began his oration with a stringent claim against global warming citing it as a tool used to put Cap and Trade down the public's throat.
Senate Returns with No Clear Plan for Climate [Scam] Bill Allowances | SolveClimate.com
Keohane’s solution would be to preserve the “price signal” utility companies face for emitting greenhouse gases and compensate consumers at the same time. While the House bill would require the allowance value to be included in the fixed part of a consumer’s utility bill, consumers would understand this value better if their electricity price reflected the cost of carbon emissions and they got a separate check to compensate them.

“A ratepayer would get a check in the mail that would represent the per household share of the allowance value,” Keohane says.
[When public radio disapproves of a rally drawing 70,000 people, here is their headline]:  "Friends of America crowd smaller than anticipated"-wvpubcast.org
September 7, 2009 · The rally drew fewer people than expected, but organizers are calling it a success.

Original estimates called for up to 100,000 people to attend the “Friends of America” rally, but a Massey spokesman said the total was closer to 70,000. The state police did not release an independent estimate of the numbers.

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