Monday, October 12, 2009

[Alarmist Danny Bloom weighs in: He *really* fears Diet Pepsi bubbles]
Off, topic, but more bad news: “Polar cities for climate refugees might serve as incubators for breeding pairs in the Arctic and Antarctic circa year 2500 or so” — future headline, after all this “talk” becomes history. James Lovelock has said it all. There is little more to discuss. Nothing will happen at Copenhaagendazs and the world will not end in 2012 or 2500, but human population will fall from 25 billion in year 2500 to just 200,000 souls 30 generations from now, and we should be getting ready, both mentally and spiritually. It will not be a pretty picture. We should not give up yet, of course, we should live full lives, but we should prepare for a very very ugly denouement to all this. And know that some will survive. That is what we must plan for. Marc Morano knows this, but he cannot admit it yet. Joe cannot either.

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