American Thinker: The Science of Disinformation
The Science of Disinformation is the deliberate, immoral disregard of truth for the sake of selling something packaged as science. Think it can't happen? It is happening in a very big way, and right in front of our very eyes.Why greens can’t be trusted | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Green activism always struck me as a no-sweat morality, in which you got the moral kudos for demanding that others make the sacrifices. So no surprise here...New paper: Barents Sea Temperature correlated to the AMO as much as 4°C – potential for sea ice effect « Watts Up With That?
A new paper just published in the Geophysical Review Letters finds a significant correlation between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the water temperature of the Barents Sea.I Hate Al Gore » Green power proves underwhelming Down Under
At some point you have to start feeling sorry for the greens. No one wants their cars. No one wants their light bulbs. No one wants their taxes. And most of all, no one wants to be scammed by their government.NASA assuming what it has to prove -- as usual
The speaker reported below not only assumes that the Antarctic ice will melt but engages in outright deception when he says "A remarkable change is happening on Earth". That is the opposite of the truth. Given that the temperature rise across the entire 20th C was only a fraction of one degree, we in fact live in a time of exceptional temperature stability. Amusing, though, that he says of the change: "It's not an easy thing to observe"
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