Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Climate Fraud Blog Action Day is tomorrow!!
1) Participate in Blog Action Day October 15th – this year's theme is climate change. On that day thousands of bloggers will be doing what they do best; spreading vital information to every corner of the planet, efficiently and passionately. You don't have to be a green blogger or climate blogger to take part. Everyone from the celebrity watchers at to the techies at Google Blog to individuals like you will be participating.
Showdown: Cap and Trade debate - Opinion
Personally, I don't think the bill will have this big of an effect on the economy. This idea is pretty inexpensive, and we do not have many alternatives. Another criticism is that the effect would be useless unless China and India develop similar programs. I say that we should lead and let them follow by our example. I find it counterproductive to wait until everyone is ready if we can take that first step and show them how easy it is.
Pete Altman: The US Chamber's Continuing Climate Credibility Crisis
Leave it to PR Week to point out the danger of the Chamber as being perceived as a mouthpiece for the radical right-wing fringe.
[Check out all this polling, and then explain to me why climate realism is a "radical right-wing fringe" position]
More crushing news for Al Gore: Over half of unaffiliated voters are climate realists

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