Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Copenhagen Agreement and a Scary U.N. Power Grab. -
U.N. plans for a new 'government' are scary.
YouTube - Monckton: Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
The Reference Frame: EU summit on global warming and Václav Klaus
The summit will also discuss the question how many dozens of billions of euro a year should be splashed into the toilet just for the "climate aid to the third world". No harmony can be expected on this front, either. See Luxembourg EU climate talks collapse.

By the way, if you remember the poll of the London Science Museum (count me in, count me out), there were about 4,000 votes "counted in" just a few days ago, almost matching the number of skeptics. However, the museum has admitted that 80% of these "Yes" votes were manifestly fraudulent, so only 800 votes that have not yet been proven to be fraudulent are "counted in".

The votes that are "counted out" exceed 5,400. The debate is over: global warming is sh*t.
5,000 Events In 180 Countries: A Good Day
From Mayor Suttle in Omaha to divers in the Maldives, the world spoke with one voice.
Since when do the most hysterical few speak for all of us?

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