Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Green [idiot suggests that tiny tweaks in completely natural atmospheric gas will cause chaos in about 2,000 days]
"We know that climate change will lead to increased food and water insecurity, and we know that when food prices spike some countries will stop exporting food. We also know that countries such as China have been buying up land in other nations just to supply food for export," he says, mapping out a highly volatile future that could be with us from 2015 rather than 2050. "There will be food riots and there will be geo-political tensions, and businesses should be focusing on how these impacts will affect them."
Boxer: Climate bill ready - Lisa Lerer -
A major Senate climate change bill is written and ready to be debated before the Environment and Public Works committee, the chairwoman of the panel said Tuesday.

Sen. Barbara Boxer’s legislation would distribution of tens of billions of dollars of pollution allowances to power plants, manufacturing, and other industries. It will mirror cap and trade legislation passed by the House in late June with, she noted, “a few tweaks.”
Reminder: Lindsey Graham wants to "make sure" that Waxman-Markey is dead
[Graham: "What I'm trying to do is make sure that the Markey-Waxman bill from the House is dead"]
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Can Offshore Drilling Save the Climate Bill?
I would not place money on the climate bill passing this year, but the odds would seem to be a lot better with the drilling compromise in place.
But if consuming oil really might cause our grandchildren to die in CO2-induced hellfire, why would we allow more offshore drilling?

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